January - Wine Not?

Dear Members,

We hope everyone is enjoying a nice holiday break with family and friends. As we look to 2020, we’re looking forward to coming back refreshed and energized to start the new year. For those lucky monthly subscribers, you will also be returning to a delivery of a new Toasst box of wines to help kick the new year off in style.

While January is a “dry” month for some, we like to think otherwise from a food and wine pairing perspective. With the festivities behind us, it’s an opportunity to tuck into the winter months with a more thoughtful approach to food and wine to set the tone for the new year. 

For now, the following are a few highlights from the tasting notes in our mixed Toasst box to hopefully give you some ideas for menu planning (and give our quarterly subscribers second thoughts on joining our monthly service!). 

For those who prefer whites, we think you’ll get a kick out of the Suavia Massifitti Bianco Veronese IGT 2016. Made with 100% Trebbiano di Soave, this underserved varietal that is often forgettable is being reinvented by the Suavia family winery led by the three Tessari sisters, Valentina, Meri and Allessandra. Its low ABV and balanced acidity makes it a great alternative to Sauvignon Blanc to pair with lighted foods though it’s no lightweight. Taste the minerality, herbaceous notes, wet stones and hint of cream - it's as close to a mixed bag as we would dare recommend.Think pairing with a spicy Thai curry or wok-fried Chinese seafood dishes. 

For our red lovers, the January box features the Alto Moncayo Veraton 2016, a clear guest favorite at our launch event back in November. Hailing from high elevation levels in the lesser known region of Campo de Borja bordering Rioja, these wines are in a class of their own when it comes to old vine Grenache. A full-bodied wine, its balanced acidity and structure offers a pleasant mouthfeel that doesn’t take over the tongue, which allows for a pleasant drink alone or paired with a bit of slow roasted lamb or beef, comforting pasta or even a well-spiced Moroccan Tagine. You decide!

Due to holiday schedules, shipments are now planned for mid-January to ensure that members are home to enjoy their wines. Send questions, comments and feedback to info@toasst.co and share your Toasst experience on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

As ever, thank you for being a part of Toasst!

#livebetter #winebetter

Amy & Christina 

p.s. If you haven’t already already, remember to sign up for our mailing list at toasst.co for the latest news, offers and wine tips.